Hi 👋 I’m Shaun Hartman.
I’ve loved making things for as long as I can remember, as a kid I was always drawing, I was a scatter brained artist until technology gave me a plethora of tools to balance myself.
Learning to play the guitar pulled me from a deep despair as a teen. It was the first thing that I gained mastery over. Music has remained a staple in my life. It is the lens that I first used to model my learning. Writing a song is an interesting work. The materials are quite abstract, much like software engineering. Giving structure to abstraction is a skill that I am ever refining. It continues to be very rewarding. My life as a musician hasn't paid much, but it has given me many skills of which leadership and teamwork have been at the forefront. My engineering skills have poured back into the music & branched out to support other ventures such as acting. Most recently 3D art is coming into my grasp. I love to learn & I love the creative process.
Today, I'm at Big Human, where I have the honor of working with the clients at the forefront of innovation.